Thursday, January 9, 2020


{jane bosi} Hello Sweet Friends!!  Today, (Lord willing) I'm recovering from surgery.  If you would be so kind as to remember me in your prayers?  I do believe in the power of prayer and continue to pray for all of you!

I wanted to share some cards I made as a gift for my momma this Christmas.  The set features four cards using several of my most favorite floral sets in the SNSS store!
Happy Irises, Thoughtful Words
Delightful Daisies, Happy Day
Spring Blossoms, Lots of Love
Rose Banner

I pray that your day is blessed with peace, and that no matter what is happening in your space, that you are growing nearer to our Great God--Jane

1 comment:

sharon g said...

First, yes, I am happy to pray for you. I hope and pray that you heal quickly. And that you take it easy until you do.
Second, your flowers are gorgeous!!! I'm going to have to look at the stamps to see if I "need" them :)